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R U OK? Day 2024
- Meeting segment guide.docxDownloaded 198 times
- Meeting PPT.pptxDownloaded 167 times
- RUOK Day Chatterboxes.zipDownloaded 269 times
- Leaders notes.docxDownloaded 203 times
- Social media tiles.zipDownloaded 247 times
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R U OK? Day 2024 will take place on Thursday Sept 12.
It is a national day of action when Australians are reminded to ask, 'are you OK?' and start meaningful conversations when they see someone struggling.
Available resources:
- Leader's notes
- Meeting segment guide
- PPT template
- Social media tiles
- R U OK? Day chatterbox activities
- Come to the Table: A Men's Ministry program
For translated R U Ok? Day resources, click here.
Category: Events / Campaigns