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RSA Digital Doorknock Thank You Social Media Assets (Canva-editable)

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These two Canva-editable assets can be used to say Thank You to people for supporting the Digitial Doorknock and the Red Shield Appeal. 

1. RSA Thank You Social Media (Square) DDK and Appeal (Canva-editable) size: 1080x1080 px. Follow Canva instructions to edit, then save on your device and upload to your social media.

Link for RSA THANK YOU_DDK Social Media Square_1080x1080 (Canva-editable)

2. RSA Thank You Social Media (Horizontal) cover photo DDK and Appeal (Canva-editable) size: 820x360 px. Follow Canva instructions to edit, then save on your device and uploads to your social media.

Link for RSA THANK YOU_DDK Facebook Cover Horizontal_820x360 (Canva-editable)

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Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

Category: Events / Campaigns

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