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SAGALA Guidelines

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SAGALA Guidelines

SAGALA Guidelines

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SAGALA is a life skills program for 5 – 17 year olds.

If you you're interested in starting up a SAGALA group, the best place to start is by reading through the Guidelines and chatting to your DCS.

The SAGALA Guidelines are your "How To" book. It includes instructions on how to run a SAGALA group and all the regulations around the running and organisaiton of SAGALA.

To download your copy online, click on the download link on this page. If you would like to order a paper copy of this book, please email us at

The SAGALA Guidelines contains information you will need to run a successful SAGALA group. There are links within the Guidelines to forms, email addresses and other Toolkit items such as Child Safe material, Enrolment material for leaders and members, Badge material, Award Certificates, the Trade, Leadership Training modules, forms and more.


Category: Administration / Forms, Training / How-To, Life Skills

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