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Under 35 Board Participation Program EOI 2021

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Under 35 Board Participation Program EOI 2021

Want to take your leadership skills to the next level?

Are you – or do you know of – a Senior Soldier who is interested in building their leadership skills? We are inviting expressions of interest from Senior Soldiers who will be under the age of 35 years as at 30 June 2022, and who is an active member of their corps, to apply for the Participating Observer Status on the TSA Board.

What is a participating observer?

The successful candidate will attend all Board meetings with full access to the information being considered at each meeting and any additional communications provided to the Board.  TSA is a vast movement with substantial legal liabilities for Board members and in order to protect the Under 35 Board Participant from legal liability, this position will not carry a Board vote. However, full participation in all discussions will be encouraged.

Why is this important to Senior Soldiers and TSA?

It is important for the voice of young people to be heard at Board level because we value the perspectives and skills they bring to the table. We also value our responsibility to provide young people with an opportunity to learn more about the movement and develop skills through their participation. TSA has a pool of young talent and this voluntary position will help nurture, develop and mentor the successful applicant in leadership and governance.

Eligibility and submissions

Information about the role and its requirements, eligibility, key selection criteria and more can be found in the EOI information document. Submissions can be made with the EOI form.

Questions and expressions of interest can be submitted to the Secretary to the Property Trusts by emailing by 30 September. ​​​​​​​

This resource page features: 

1. Expression of Interest Information Document.pdf

2. Expression of Interest Application Form.doc

3. Expression of Interest Application Form.pdf





Category: Promotion / Communication

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