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What does Discipleship look like? (Matt Gluyas)

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What does Discipleship look like? (Matt Gluyas)

What does Discipleship look like? (Matt Gluyas)

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This video series will help your team and young people connect with and understand The Great Commission and learn how to live a life of discipleship.

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When Matt Gluyas was in year 11 at school, he approached someone about being mentored. Matt explains how his mentoring relationship helped set up foundations in his life for leadership, ministry and his own personal journey with God.

Matt shares how they would meet every Thursday at Hungry Jacks in George Street in Sydney to chat. They would discuss how he was genuinely going, his devotion time and his relationship with Jesus. Matt’s mentor would also help him make a goal each week and work towards meeting those goals.

Matt explains the qualities that make a mentor. A mentor is always a great listener, a person who sees potential in a person and challenges an individual to grow deeper in Jesus.

While Matt’s relationship has changed since it began seven years, Matt says his mentor still remains a role model in his life and a friend he can go to for counselling.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration