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Guards & Rangers


Enrolment as a Guard (girls) or Ranger (boys) follows the successful completion of the enrolment tasks. The Guard or Ranger may then wear the uniform and commence work on the program. The program includes camping, sports, life skills, Bible knowledge, community service, first aid, emergency procedures and a variety of hobbies such as craft, woodwork and designing 


Guards & Rangers are part of the SAGALA program. SAGALA is a ministry program for 5-17 year olds. It seeks to build integrity, provide community service experience, teach life skills and promote leadership development.  

The gospel of Jesus Christ is unapologetically shared through the program.    

SAGALA sections all have distinctive uniforms, laws, mottos and prayers.

If you are interested in starting up a SAGALA group in your church, check out the information and guidelines HERE!

There are several features common to all sections – the Purpose Statement, the SAGALA membership badge, the Pledge and the salute. Each age group (i.e. Explorers and Moonbeams, Adventurers and Sunbeams, and Guards and Rangers) has its own law, prayer and motto. 

If you're after resources for Moonbeams & Explorers (5-6 years old), please click HERE!

If you're after resources for Sunbeams & Adventurers (7-10 years old), please click HERE!

SAGALA Rangers Recordings Document

SAGALA Rangers Recordings

Use these recordings to help your Explorers the learn to Law, Motto, Pledge and Prayer.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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SAGALA Guards Recordings Document

SAGALA Guards Recordings

Use these recordings to help your Guards the learn to Law, Motto, Pledge and Prayer.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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Food for Life Document

Food for Life

This resource will help raise 11-17 year olds' awareness of healthy food choices.

Category: Training / How-To, Life Skills

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Getting Along Document

Getting Along

The resource will develop 11-17 year olds basic knowledge on how to develop the abillity to get along with others.

Category: Life Skills

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Domestic Engineer Document

Domestic Engineer

SKILLS: This resource will provide 11-17 year olds with the knowledge and skills in basic home duties.

Category: Life Skills

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Lookin' Good Document

Lookin' Good

SELF: This resource will help 11-17 year olds develop their self-esteem through personal grooming.

Category: Life Skills

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Triple Zero Document

Triple Zero

SERVICE: This resource will increase 11-17 year olds' awareness of the emergency services organisation in the community.

Category: Life Skills

Average 3.38 of 1 rating Rate this
The Salvos Document

The Salvos

SPIRITUAL: This resource will instruct 11-17 year olds in the foundations of The Salvation Army.

Category: Life Skills

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That's Entertainment Document

That's Entertainment

SPECIALTIES: This resource will introduce 11-17 year olds to the thrill of entertaining.

Category: Life Skills

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Stay Safe Document

Stay Safe

SELF: This resource will provide 11-17 year olds with the skills and knowledge to keep themselves safe in an urban environment.

Category: Life Skills

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