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Search: "Living Our Vision Sermons"

7 resources found
Living Our Vision - Vision Resources Link

Living Our Vision - Vision Resources

Shared by: Mission Resources

The Living Our Vision resources unpack the national vision statement and are designed to accommodate the diversity of Salvation Army expressions across our nation.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.01 of 3 ratings Rate this
Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video Video

Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

A wake up call to introduce the Living Our Vision series

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Mission Statement – Living our Mission Document

Mission Statement – Living our Mission

Shared by: Mission Resources

Resources for exploring and living out our mission statement

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.69 of 14 ratings Rate this
Doctrines PowerPoint Backgrounds Document

Doctrines PowerPoint Backgrounds

Shared by: Mission Resources

Slides of the TSA Doctrines are available below for download. The first slide has all eleven doctrines on one slide, the other slides only have one doctrine on them. The files are supplied as JPGs,...

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration, Worship, Other

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Caring for People: In the Image of God Document

Caring for People: In the Image of God

Shared by: Mission Resources

Caring for people - animation and resources

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.43 of 14 ratings Rate this
Exploring The Salvation Army Document

Exploring The Salvation Army

Shared by: Mission Resources

Brochure exploring the details of who we are - The Salvation Army

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.48 of 7 ratings Rate this
The Soldier's Covenant - The Articles of War Document

The Soldier's Covenant - The Articles of War

Shared by: Mission Resources

The Salvation Army's official 'Articles of War' - available in both English and Chinese

Category: Policy, Training / How-To, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.52 of 11 ratings Rate this