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Search: "Living Our Vision Sermons"

12 resources found
Living Our Vision - Vision Resources Link

Living Our Vision - Vision Resources

Shared by: Mission Resources

The Living Our Vision resources unpack the national vision statement and are designed to accommodate the diversity of Salvation Army expressions across our nation.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.01 of 3 ratings Rate this
Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video Video

Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

A wake up call to introduce the Living Our Vision series

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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The I AM Statements of Jesus - Sermon Series Document

The I AM Statements of Jesus - Sermon Series

Shared by: Mission Resources

This Sermon Series, written by the Rev Kevin Giles, looks at Jesus' seven "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.25 of 11 ratings Rate this
Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 1) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 1)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 1 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 3) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 3)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 3 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.68 of 1 rating Rate this
Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 2) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 2)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 2 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.47 of 1 rating Rate this
Caring for People: In the Image of God Document

Caring for People: In the Image of God

Shared by: Mission Resources

Caring for people - animation and resources

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.43 of 14 ratings Rate this
Hospitality Video Link

Hospitality Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

Short video to support teaching encouraging hospitality

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration, Life Skills

Average 3.68 of 1 rating Rate this
Pack Right Document

Pack Right

Shared by: Mission Resources

This resource pack offers a Sermon Outline, Transcript, PowerPoint Presentation, Video, Testimony and Images to help deliver a powerful sermon to your congregation on the subject of forgiveness.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: Rescued Document

Easter: Rescued

Shared by: Mission Resources

"God has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his dear son, who forgives our sins and sets us free" (Colossians 1:13-14).

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Maintaining the House of God Document

Maintaining the House of God

Shared by: Mission Resources

A message for the church that addresses how we are bombarded with opinions and ways to live life that challenge us to consider what we believe.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

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Law & Grace in Les Miserables Document

Law & Grace in Les Miserables

Shared by: Mission Resources

This pack includes a Sermon Outline with PowerPoints and links to a four-part Small Group Study that can be used in Corps to further discuss the biblical themes in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.11 of 2 ratings Rate this