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Safeguarding@TSA - Foundational & Advanced Training Information for Volunteers
The Salvation Army is committed to a safeguarding culture that ensures the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. As a child safe organisation who engages with children and young people, we are obligated by law to ensure we provide a safe space when engaging with them.
Our commitment to child safety also extends to the safety of personnel to whom we provide the knowledge, skills and support to safely engage with children and young people.
TSA's safeguarding training is the reflection of The Salvation Army's Mission in action: Caring for people, Building healthy communities and Working for justice and its commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
The Salvation Army's Code of Conduct and accompanying training further defines the expected standards of behaviour, conduct and guidelines for working with children and vulnerable people and responsibilities for personal conduct when engaged with The Salvation Army.
Personnel under 18 years old do not need to complete either safeguarding module.
As a child safe organisation and a safe employer, The Salvation Army has an obligation to ensure that young people engaged with us are safe. An under 18 safeguarding resource will be made available shortly for employees and volunteers who are under the age of 18.
Content warning: Some people may find the materials in these courses distressing. Please contact your line manager, your site chaplain or the Employee Assistance Program on 1300 687 327. Alternatively, you can contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 counselling or Lifeline 13 11 14.
Safeguarding@TSA - Foundational & Advanced Training (valid for 2 years)
Link to the Safeguarding Training via VolHQ.
Category: Training / How-To
Safeguarding Codes of Conduct, Frameworks and Policy
Safeguarding Codes of Conduct, Frameworks and Policy.
Category: Training / How-To
Grooming, Disclosure and Mandatory Reporting Legislation
Fact sheets on Grooming, Disclosure and Mandatory Reporting Legislation.
Category: Policy, Promotion / Communication, Training / How-To
To make a complaint
To make a complaint or raise a concern regarding the safety and wellbeing of a child, please speak to your Divisional Safeguarding Consultant or your line manager or email Safeguarding@salvationarmy.o...
Category: Other
Safeguarding Reporting Requirements
Fact sheets describing The Salvation Army's reporting obligations in the different States and Territories.
Category: Policy