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Appreciation certificate – Canva template

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Are you looking to recognize outstanding achievements or express gratitude professionally? Our on-brand certificate templates are ready to show acknowledgment not only from your team but also from The Salvation Army itself.

– Canva template link –

– Canva reference link –

Please note: These print assets are intended for office computers only. For professional printing services, please reach out to the Brand team.

More about resources on Canva 

Canva is a free web-based design platform. You must sign up for a free account to access the templates you create (no paid subscription is required). 

 Canva is highly user-friendly, here are a few resources to learn more:

  • Watch some simple tutorials on how to begin using Canva 
  • Click on the purple help button at the bottom right corner of your Canva webpage screen to find ‘How to’ answers 

All enquiries: Look for ‘Brand’ on Salvos Central under the Toolkit/Resources menu

Category: Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration, Other, Life Skills

This resource is included in the following collection(s):

About the sharer

The Brand Team are committed to providing you with the resources you need to support the campaigns and missional activities of The Salvation Army. This includes high quality final art and logos you can add to your own designs.

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  • Resources Uploaded69
  • Resource Views19,791
  • Average Rating4.5