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Cultural Safety and Inclusion Resources

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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day - 4 August 2021

Proud in culture, strong in Spirit

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities have provided love and care for their children, growing them up strong and safe in their cultural traditions, for thousands of generations. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, safety, wellbeing and development is closely linked to the strengths of their connections with family, community, culture, language and Country."   

In recognition of today, please take time to review the new Guide for Cultural Safety - Keeping our Kids Safe and the accompanying video of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, released by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC).  This resource applies a cultural lens to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and helps us think about how we can make TSA safer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.  


Cultural Safety Resources

Guide for Cultural Safety - Keeping our Kids Safe  Video of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day - 4 August 2021
Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care website  


Inclusion Resources

The Salvation Army Diversity and Inclusion Team webpage  

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Keeping children and young people safe and well within organisations is so much more than having policies and procedures in place. A child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes real action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is at the centre of its values, decisions and actions. This is a collection of training resources for this benefit.

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