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Homelessness Week 2023 | Facebook & Instagram SATISTICS Shareable Graphics

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164 Pages view

Keep your Corps' social media branded this Homelessness Week with these shareable graphics designed and created for Facebook and Instagram posts.

Suggested caption to post along with the shareable graphics in your Facebook or Instagram post:

"Anyone can find themselves at risk of being homeless, whether it is due to increases in the cost of living, rental shortages, interest rate rises or a family breakdown including violence. 

If you or someone you know is at risk of losing your home, or are already experiencing homelessness, please contact us."

There are three different carousel images (in order) available: 

Category: Promotion / Communication

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About the sharer

The Brand Team are committed to providing you with the resources you need to support the campaigns and missional activities of The Salvation Army. This includes high quality final art and logos you can add to your own designs.

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