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1250 Pages view


JRev is a group of kids and adults who love general silliness and experiencing Jesus together!

Each week, a new episode is released that explores God's big story and what it means for each of us. It is a show made for kids by a group of adults who never grew up. These same adults believe that God loves every child and wants to invite them into His family, and believe that following Jesus can be heaps of fun!

Mums, Dads, Grandparents, and Carers - we haven't forgotten you! JRev is a great way to journey alongside your child as they explore who Jesus is.

Children's ministry leaders, pastors, and teachers - this channel is a treasure trove of resources for your time spent with young people and we have even more available for you here.

Downloads available:

  • Curriculum resources
  • Video downloads

To browse JRev episodes, click here.


Category: Promotion / Communication

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