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Junior Soldiers: Unit 2

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Junior Soldiers can be used as a small group discipleship material for children, or as curriculum for your Kids Church or Sunday School.

  • Lesson 1 - I say, I say, I say...
    For children to explore and understand the power and impact of the tongue, the damage it can do and how God can help us to use it wisely.
  • Lesson 2 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T
    For children to understand the importance of showing respect and that by showing respect in all areas of their lives they are honouring God. (The four areas covered will be: respect for your parents/guardians, respect for everyone, respect for God’s name and respect for other people’s things.)
  • Lesson 3 - Sharing is caring
    For children to explore and understand God’s views on giving and what he requires of us in relation to money, time, talents, abilities, creativity, etc.
  • Lesson 4 - I’m special! You’re special!
    To help the children understand they are special to God and that God loves it when we treat others like they are special too.
  • Lesson 5 - Inspired by God – part 1 
    For children to understand that God inspired people to record the important truths about Himself and that this record is guidance for them on how to live.
  • Lesson 6 - Inspired by God – part 2
    To help children to understand why there is an Old and New Testament and the reasons for the different kinds of writing in the Bible.
  • Lesson 7 - Jesus the servant King: What an example
    For children to understand that to be like Jesus doesn’t mean to live like a king, it means to live like a servant. This is a lesson about humility and serving.
  • Lesson 8 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    For the children to explore and understand the history and culture of Australia's Indigenous Peoples and to reflect on how they personally can contribute to reconciliation and justice. 
  • Lesson 9 - Whose story is it?
    To help children understand that many of the things we associate with Christmas are not part of the Bible’s story about the birth of Jesus as well as to consider why these things have been added and whether they help or detract from their understanding of what Christmas is really about.
  • Lesson 10 - The Salvation Army – Identity
    For children to understand that there are unique, distinctive elements to the Salvation Army’s identity; things that show who we are and who we belong to.

To view the Junior Soldiers Lesson Matrix, click here.

To view the entire Junior Soldiers resource range, click here.


Category: Discipleship

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