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Junior Soldiers: Unit 5

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Junior Soldiers can be used as a small group discipleship material for children, or as curriculum for your Kids Church or Sunday School.

  • Lesson 1 - Let your light shine
    For the children to explore and understand their responsibility to help others know and love God while they continue to grow as disciples.
  • Lesson 2 - For everyone
    For the children to explore and understand that Jesus has taken the punishment for everyone, so that whoever chooses to believe in him can and will be saved.
  • Lesson 3 - The cry of my heart
    For the children to explore God’s heart for his children.
  • Lesson 4 - Only one Church
    For the children to explore and understand that as followers of Jesus we are part of a larger church body.
  • Lesson 5 - The fruit of the Spirit
    For the children to explore and understand the ‘fruit of the Spirit’, with a particular focus on looking at the ‘fruit’ as a whole and not individual characteristics.
  • Lesson 6 - The Holy Spirit impacts who we are
    For the children to explore and understand that the Holy Spirit impacts who they are by producing fruit in them.
  • Lesson 7 - The Holy Spirit can help me be more like Jesus
    For the children to explore and understand the practical outworking of the Holy Spirit.
  • Lesson 8 - Special project week
    The purpose of this lesson is to provide time and space to work on a group project or other parts of the award passports.
  • Lesson 9 - Standing up for others
    For the children to explore and understand that, at times, God calls us to be someone who will stand up for others, support them and speak out against things that are unfair or unjust.
  • Lesson 10 - Father of Compassion
    For the children to explore and understand that God is a Father of Compassion and that his love is evident through his interactions with humanity throughout history.

To view the Junior Soldiers Lesson Matrix, click here.

To view the entire Junior Soldiers resource range, click here.


Category: Discipleship

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