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LIFE: Wisdom

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LIFE is small group discipleship material for youth, helping to build relationship and healthy community.

LIFE Series are best used in a small group or cell group context.  


Wisdom. We throw the word around often.

But what is wisdom?

How do we get it?

Is it really necessary?

How does having wisdom affect my life?

This 5-week series dips into Wisdom Literature in the Bible, specifically the book of Proverbs and looks at what it means to obtain and live by godly wisdom. 


What's inside?

Week 1: The Beginning of Wisdom

Week 2: The Wise Control their Tongue 

Week 3: The Wise Seek Counsel

Week 4: The Wise Accept Correction

Week 5: The Wise are Humble the Foolish are Proud 


Please note a new addition to the LIFE group material - 

"The Take Home Participants Guide" (page 3&4 of the PDF)
If you print these two pages back to back your members can fold it up have a little booklet that recaps the 5 weeks and has space for them to write down personal application point

Category: Discipleship

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