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Living Our Mission Alongside People with Disabilities - Small Group Resource

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‘Living Our Mission Alongside People with Disabilities’ is a four-part small group study resource. It uses the mission intentions as a practical framework for exploring disability inclusive mission. Each study focuses on one of the mission intentions, incorporating lived experiences of people with disabilities and relevant biblical perspectives on disability inclusive mission. 

Ideal for small groups and can also be adapted for use with Community Tables, cafe-style church and other church meetings. 

The four studies focus on: 

  • Caring for people with disabilities 
  • Creating faith pathways alongside people with disabilities 
  • Building healthy communities alongside people with disabilities 
  • Working for justice alongside people with disabilities 

Each study contains the following elements: 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Lived experience video 
  3. Scripture 
  4. Discussion questions 
  5. Mission intention video 
  6. Application questions 
  7. Prayer 

Resources available:

  • Small group booklet 
  • 4 x Lived experience videos 
  • 4 x Mission intentions videos 

Lived Experience Videos: 





Mission Intention Videos:

  1. Living our mission alongside people with disabilities - Caring for people

  2. Living our mission alongside people with disabilities - Creating faith pathways

  3. Living our mission alongside people with disabilities - Building healthy communities

  4. Living our mission alongside people with disabilities - Working for justice



Category: Vision / Inspiration

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