Making It Happen - Mission in the Solomon Islands
- Info Sheet.pdfDownloaded 258 times
- Promo Slides.pptxDownloaded 196 times
- Social Media Tiles.zipDownloaded 189 times
- Fundraising Ideas.docxDownloaded 214 times
- Making it Happen Sunday - Leaders Notes.docxDownloaded 181 times
- A3 Poster (Digital).pdfDownloaded 185 times
- Making it Happen Poster & Flyer (Officer Print).zipDownloaded 181 times
- Making it Happen Poster & Flyer (Professional Print).zipDownloaded 147 times
- Expanded MIH Sunday PPT with script.zipDownloaded 189 times
- Meeting PPT - Blank Template.pptxDownloaded 138 times
- Childrens Ministry Acitivities - Making It Happen.pdfDownloaded 87 times
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This year's Making It Happen Project aims to raise $120,000 to build and furnish a home for corps officers. The house would be a missional hub for Salvos and a space for service to the wider community.
How to get involved:
- Making It Happen Sunday
- Hold a corps fundraiser
Corps are encouraged to hold a special Making It Happen Sunday in the next 12 months. This will be an opportunity to raise awareness about, pray for and hold an offering for this year's project.
Available resources:
- Children's ministry activity guide
- 10 Fundraising Ideas
- Promotional and meeting PowerPoint slides
- Expanded PPT with Script
- Promotional resources
- Event flyer and poster
- Making It Happen info sheet
- Making It Happen Sunday leader's notes
- Social media tiles
For more information about Making It Happen, click here.
For information about processing corps donations, click here.
If you have any questions regarding Making it Happen, email the team at
Category: Events / Campaigns