SaCi Learning Module
- Alcohol Fact Sheets.zipDownloaded 219 times
- News Items and Report Summaries.zipDownloaded 202 times
- SaCi Slide.zipDownloaded 205 times
- Specialist Material.zipDownloaded 235 times
- Audio Resources.zipDownloaded 270 times
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SACi Learning Module
"SACi - The Salvation Army Alcohol Culture Initiative aims to reduce Australia's alcohol harm by changing the culture around alcohol"
A detailed learning module with five sections and supporting material can be found attached:
Part 1: Australia's alcohol culture: where are we and how did we get there?
Part 2: Alcohol and the individual
Part 3: So what? Why should I care?
Part 4: So what can I actually do?
Part 5: Additional Resources including: Fact Sheets, Powerpoint Slides, short video and audio resources, news items, specialist material to assist local mission, useful links"
Video Resources:
SACi Learning Module - Alice Springs
SACi Learning Module - Financial Costs of Alcohol
Category: Training / How-To
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