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Safeguarding Principles Training (valid for 3 years)

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Volunteers are not required to complete or refresh Safeguarding Principles Training. Please note that no changes are being made to Safeguarding@TSA Training and it continues to be mandatory for all personnel as per current training schedule.

Content warning: Some people may find the materials in this course distressing. Please contact your line manager, your site chaplain or the Employee Assistance Program on 1300 687 327. Alternatively, you can contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 counselling or Lifeline 13 11 14.

Safeguarding Principles Training Changes

20 April 2023

New Safeguarding training (to be called Safeguarding@TSA Advanced) is being developed to replace the existing Safeguarding Principles Training towards the end of 2023.

How does this impact you?

Until the new training is launched:

Officers and employees: Safeguarding Principles Training must only be completed by new starters and officers and employees who have not completed this training at all. Officers and employees who have completed Safeguarding Principles Training at least once during their time at TSA, are not required to complete the refresher training.

Volunteers: Are not required to complete or refresh Safeguarding Principles Training.

Volunteers are to ensure that they have completed mandatory Safeguarding@TSA training.

Please note that no changes are being made to Safeguarding@TSA training and it continues to be mandatory for all personnel as per current training schedule.

Requirements about the new Safeguarding Training will be communicated in late 2023. 

Contact us at if you have any questions.

Category: Training / How-To

About the sharer

Keeping children and young people safe and well within organisations is so much more than having policies and procedures in place. A child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes real action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is at the centre of its values, decisions and actions. This is a collection of training resources for this benefit.

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