Surprise the World! Five Habits of Highly Missional People
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Five week small group / faith community discussion based on Mike Frost’s book Surprise the World! Five Habits of Highly Missional People.
Frost offers the challenge to live questionable or curious lives of love that people might find attractive and cause people to ask questions about faith – to create faith pathways. He calls us to live in a way that intrigues or surprises people – not just in going to church or being religious – but in ways that show the surprising generosity and love of God.
The series will help you and your community develop FIVE habits for living lives that ‘surprise the world’ and the people around you. BELLS is the acronym to help you remember and each week we look at a different one and look to put it into practice:
- Bless - show generosity
- Eat - show hospitality
- Learn - from Jesus
- Listen - to the Spirit
- Sent - into the world
For more resources related to creating faith pathways, click here.
Category: Discipleship, Evangelism / Outreach