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Games, Icebreakers, Team Building and How To's

In this collection you will find a whole range of games, icebreakers and team building ideas suitable for groups from a few people to big-all-in, large-scale groups. These games and icebreakers will help to insert some fun and learning about each other into your children and youth gatherings. There are also helpful fact sheets on different issues from stress, to anger, depression, grief and other issues that commonly face teens and young people. 

Each item in this collection (which could be a game, an ice breaker, a team building suggestion, a "how to" or fact sheet) has a little blurb about it and a PDF to download so that you can have all the information you need to run the game/icebreaker or to know about a child/teen issue in one spot.

If you have any questions, please contact the Youth and Children’s Department we’d love to be able to help you out with resources and ideas!


Contact details:

(02) 9466 3501

*Digital Download* - Pass the Salt Junior Edition Document

*Digital Download* - Pass the Salt Junior Edition

Downloadable version of Pass the Salt Junior

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.23 of 4 ratings Rate this
Game: Playdough Pictionary Document

Game: Playdough Pictionary

Just like it sounds! Use playdough for a fun alternative to the traditional Pictionary game.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Other

Average 3.4 of 2 ratings Rate this