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36 resources found
LIFE: God Can't Use Me Document

LIFE: God Can't Use Me

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at people in the bible who thought they couldn't be used by God, and gives us encouragement for our own lives.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Delving Deeper - The Parables Document

LIFE: Delving Deeper - The Parables

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series takes a look at 5 different parables that Jesus told in the bible, and how these can be applied in our own lives today.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: The Lord's Prayer Document

LIFE: The Lord's Prayer

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

In this 5-week series we will be working our way through and discovering what it means to actually pray The Lord's Prayer.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.65 of 2 ratings Rate this
LIFE: Salvation 101 Document

LIFE: Salvation 101

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is designed to help your life group wrestle with what it actually means to be 'saved'.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Standing Out From The Crowd Document

LIFE: Standing Out From The Crowd

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at 5 key stories from the life of King David.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Healthy Friendships Document

LIFE: Healthy Friendships

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at different aspects of friendship, such as jealousy, suffering and faith, and how we can create and maintain healthy friendships.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Uniquely Wonderful (Part 2) Document

LIFE: Uniquely Wonderful (Part 2)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is part 2 of a series that looks at what parts of us make us uniquely wonderful and allows young people to take time to discover who they are and what they were created to do.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - Old Testament Document

LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - Old Testament

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series takes a closer looks at 5 classic Bible stories we know and love from our childhood.
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LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - New Testament Document

LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - New Testament

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at 5 classic childhood Bible Stories we know from the New Testament.

Category: Discipleship

Average 2.81 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Wisdom Document

LIFE: Wisdom

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at wisdom in the book of Proverbs.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Identity & Self-Esteem Document

LIFE: Identity & Self-Esteem

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series dives into some of the major issues we all face. Who am I? Who am I meant to be? What do others think about me? Will anyone ever love me?

Category: Discipleship

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