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4 resources found
What does Discipleship look like? (Matt Gluyas) Video

What does Discipleship look like? (Matt Gluyas)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Matt explains the qualities that make a mentor.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

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This is Discipleship (Matt Godkin) Video

This is Discipleship (Matt Godkin)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Go and choose the one person you will invest into, pray for and encourage. Go and start that life group in your school or church. This is discipleship.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Go and make Disciples - The Great Commission (Phil Inglis) Video

Go and make Disciples - The Great Commission (Phil Inglis)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Let's go and make disciples, just as Jesus instructed.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.65 of 2 ratings Rate this
Who is Discipling me? (Shandri Brown) Video

Who is Discipling me? (Shandri Brown)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

While you don't have the privilege of following around Jesus in the flesh, it's important to have people in your life who are intentionally discipling you

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

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