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Search: "Videos"

6 resources found
Short Christmas Videos Document

Short Christmas Videos

Shared by: Mission Resources

A collection of short Christmas videos for use in corps and mission expressions.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 4.24 of 5 ratings Rate this
Christmas: Let There Be Light Document

Christmas: Let There Be Light

Shared by: Mission Resources

This Christmas series looks at Jesus’ role as the light of the new creation.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

Average 2.81 of 1 rating Rate this
Christmas: The Incredible Christmas Document

Christmas: The Incredible Christmas

Shared by: Mission Resources

Corps resources for Christmas 2020 focused on Luke 1-2 and exploring the theme of 'The Incredible Christmas'

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 4.37 of 6 ratings Rate this
Christmas and Advent - A story of new beginnings Document

Christmas and Advent - A story of new beginnings

Shared by: Mission Resources

Corps resources for Christmas and Advent exploring the theme of 'A story of new beginnings'.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 4.51 of 24 ratings Rate this
Advent and Christmas – Jesus Makes All the Difference Document

Advent and Christmas – Jesus Makes All the Difference

Shared by: Mission Resources

Corps resources for Advent and Christmas exploring the theme of 'Jesus makes all the difference'.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 4.14 of 11 ratings Rate this
Advent and Christmas 2024 Document

Advent and Christmas 2024

Shared by: Mission Resources

Corps faith resources for Advent and Christmas 2024 - 'Heaven Meets Earth'

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 4.76 of 19 ratings Rate this