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4 resources found
(Term 4) Schools Invitation to RSA 2024 Document

(Term 4) Schools Invitation to RSA 2024

Shared by: Schools Engagement

It's time to invite schools to participate in next year's Red Shield Appeal. Use this template to invite your local schools to get involved in the Red Shield Appeal
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(Term 2 2023) RSA School Invitation Letter Template Document

(Term 2 2023) RSA School Invitation Letter Template

Shared by: Schools Engagement

Customise this letter to invite schools to participate in RSA in Term 2

Category: Events / Campaigns

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(Term One 2023) Inviting schools to participate in RSA Document

(Term One 2023) Inviting schools to participate in RSA

Shared by: Schools Engagement

An editable template letter to share with your schools inviting them to participate in RSA. Fill out the highlighted fields or use as this resource as guide to develop your own letter to schools.
Average 4.01 of 2 ratings Rate this
Template Letter - General Introduction - Build Schools Relationships Year-Round Document

Template Letter - General Introduction - Build Schools Relationships Year-Round

Shared by: Schools Engagement

A general letter for you to customise to introduce your local work to local school to build schools relationship

Category: Promotion / Communication

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