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Template Letter to a new BPAY Giver

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This is a letter suitable for informing a new BPAY giver in your corps on the the BPAY giving details.

Please change the Giver and Corps details - Gover Name, Biller Code, Giver BPAY Reference Number (1nnnx). 

Please update the Giver's envelope number in ChMeetings with the respective 3-digit nnn number from the provided BPAY RN.



Dear Firstname,

Financially contribute to our corps

We understand that your financial giving is a heartfelt act of worship, and we want to make it as seamless and secure as possible for you.  The Salvation Army has chosen BPAY as our primary online giving method.  BPAY is a convenient and secure way for all people in our corps to give.

We encourage you to act now to commence using BPAY for your giving to our corps, using the details provided below. 

  • The Biller Code is unique to our Corps
  • The Reference Number is unique to you. Your Reference number will identify you just as an Envelope or Giver Number has done previously.  The BPAY Reference Number is a confidential security feature which will enable you to receive accurate and regular  giving statements.

The BPAY corps’ giving method is ready for your giving from today.  If you have any questions or require additional support with setting up BPAY, please let me know.

Thank you for your generous spirit, in obedience and surrender to God’s call upon your life and how you best honour God with your giving.

Yours in Christ,

Category: Administration / Forms, Evangelism / Outreach, Training / How-To

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About the sharer

The Generous Culture team exists to enable a culture of generosity to be unleashed throughout all TSA faith communities.

We offer coaching and mentoring to faith communities, on the topics of stewardship, giving and generosity. We provide data and reports to support faith communities to monitor giving at a local level.

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