The Lord is My Shepherd
- Psalm 23 Sermon Outline.docDownloaded 554 times
- Psalm 23 Powerpoint.pptDownloaded 341 times
- Psalm 23 Video.wmvDownloaded 345 times
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Psalm 23 is often used at funerals to comfort mourning families. However it is really a Psalm that talks about life, rather than death. It paints the picture of God as one who cares for his people.
This sermon outline looks at Psalm 23, in reference to John 10:11, Jesus as the Good Shepherd. It emphasises Jesus' role in restoring us, guiding and correcting us, and Jesus as the host who lavishes us with divine hospitality.
The Sermon is accompanied by a contemplative piece, illustrating the passage. Produced by Kathleen Pearce. Music, "Lament", copyright Phil Laeger 2003.
The Lord is My Shepherd - Video
Category: Discipleship
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