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3 collections and 54 resources found



Junior Soldiers: Unit 1 Document

Junior Soldiers: Unit 1

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Junior Soldiers can be used as a small group discipleship material for children, or as curriculum for your Kids Church or Sunday School. Lesson 1 - Rules, Rules, Rules!For the children to explore a...

Category: Discipleship

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First Steps - Book 1 Document

First Steps - Book 1

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Book 1 Digital Download

Category: Discipleship, Life Skills

Average 3.14 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Uniquely Wonderful (Part 1) [originally named: Who Am I?] Document

LIFE: Uniquely Wonderful (Part 1) [originally named: Who Am I?]

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series allows young people to take time to discover who they are and what they were created to do.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Encounters with Jesus (John) Document

LIFE: Encounters with Jesus (John)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series steps through John's Gospel to focus in on different encounters with Jesus.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Intro To Holiness Document

LIFE: Intro To Holiness

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is an introduction to the topic Christian Holiness and is influenced by the teaching of Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.68 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Introduction to LIFE Document

LIFE: Introduction to LIFE

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Introduction to LIFE is our first 5-week series as part of The Salvation Army's youth discipleship resource.

Category: Discipleship

Average 4.01 of 2 ratings Rate this
WONDER (Youth Group studies inspired by the popular children's book and film) Document

WONDER (Youth Group studies inspired by the popular children's book and film)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Five studies, inspired by the children's book 'Wonder' but also capable of stand alone presentation.

Category: Discipleship, Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration, Life Skills

Average 3.47 of 1 rating Rate this
Junior Soldiers: Resource Order Form Document

Junior Soldiers: Resource Order Form

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Order your badges and enrolment packs here!

Category: Administration / Forms, Discipleship

Average 3.68 of 4 ratings Rate this
LIFE: "I Am" Statements Document

LIFE: "I Am" Statements

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at 5 of Jesus' "I Am" statements in John's Gospel.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: The Church Document

LIFE: The Church

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week life group resource introduces your group to 'The Church' - how it started, what it does and what God says about it.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - New Testament Document

LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - New Testament

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at 5 classic childhood Bible Stories we know from the New Testament.

Category: Discipleship

Average 2.81 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Why Can't We Just Get Along (James) Document

LIFE: Why Can't We Just Get Along (James)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series steps through the book of James and focuses in on practical, everyday advice and wisdom for how to build healthy community.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Spiritual Habits Document

LIFE: Spiritual Habits

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is all about helping people take responsibility for their own faith.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: The Holy Spirit Document

LIFE: The Holy Spirit

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series focuses on the Holy Spirit and the role it plays in our lives.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: 5 Manly Things You Won't Learn From Movies Document

LIFE: 5 Manly Things You Won't Learn From Movies

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series looks at how men can strive to live more like Jesus through looking at how we treat others and managing our emotions.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
LIFE: Life At School Document

LIFE: Life At School

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is designed to help you do exactly that by looking at practical topics like: attitude towards school, pressures students face, bullying, how to get along with teachers, and sharing

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Social Justice Document

LIFE: Social Justice

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week life group resource introduces your group to social justice and its place in the life of a believer.

Category: Discipleship

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Junior Soldiers: Unit 16 Document

Junior Soldiers: Unit 16

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Junior Soldiers lesson materials for unit 16

Category: Discipleship

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Junior Soldiers: Unit 15 Document

Junior Soldiers: Unit 15

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Junior Soldiers lesson materials for unit 15

Category: Discipleship

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Junior Soldiers: Unit 8 Document

Junior Soldiers: Unit 8

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Junior Soldiers lesson materials for unit 8

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Who Is God? Document

LIFE: Who Is God?

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series is designed to introduce (or reintroduce) your group to foundational truths about who God is.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Life Of A Servant (Joseph) Document

LIFE: Life Of A Servant (Joseph)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series focuses on the life of Joseph, a man with an incredible servant heart.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.36 of 1 rating Rate this
Who is Discipling me? (Shandri Brown) Video

Who is Discipling me? (Shandri Brown)

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

While you don't have the privilege of following around Jesus in the flesh, it's important to have people in your life who are intentionally discipling you

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

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Junior Soldiers: Unit 12 Document

Junior Soldiers: Unit 12

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

Junior Soldiers lesson materials for unit 12

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Heart to God, Hand to Man Document

LIFE: Heart to God, Hand to Man

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This 5-week series goes through a Salvation Army distinctive, "Heart to God, Hand to Man" and explores what this looks like in our homes, our corps, centres, local community and the wider world.

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.92 of 2 ratings Rate this