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Uniquely Salvo

Doctrines PowerPoint Backgrounds Document

Doctrines PowerPoint Backgrounds

Slides of the TSA Doctrines are available below for download. The first slide has all eleven doctrines on one slide, the other slides only have one doctrine on them. The files are supplied as JPGs,...

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration, Worship, Other

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30 Days with William and Catherine Document

30 Days with William and Catherine

Lt. Colonel W. Edward Laity of the USA Southern Territory has compiled a 30 Day devotional resources based on the writings of William and Catherine Booth. Each day's reading has a bible verse, quote f...

Category: Discipleship

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Hope For All: In Darkest England - Contemporary Artwork Posters Document

Hope For All: In Darkest England - Contemporary Artwork Posters

Hope For All - In Darkest England Contemporary Artwork Posters Hope For All (depicted above) is a contemporary interpretation of an 1890 illustration depicting The Salvation Army assisting those wh...

Category: Vision / Inspiration

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SaCi Learning Module Document

SaCi Learning Module

"SACi - The Salvation Army Alcohol Culture Initiative aims to reduce Australia's alcohol harm by changing the culture around alcohol" A detailed learning module with five sections is located here.

Category: Training / How-To

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Leadership Coaching Document

Leadership Coaching

What is a coach? Resources to help you build capacity in others.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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Connectional Ministries Document

Connectional Ministries

The ability for people to develop relationships with others is absolutely critical if a church is to both attract and keep newcomers. People are not merely looking for a friendly church; they are look

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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Code Blue Local Officer Training Document

Code Blue Local Officer Training

Code Blue includes six modules to train and further develop lay leaders.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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Founders Day Document

Founders Day

On this Founder’s Day, when we traditionally look back on the birth of our movement, the religious zeal and sacrificial service of the Army of the past.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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Living Our Vision - Vision Resources Link

Living Our Vision - Vision Resources

The Living Our Vision resources unpack the national vision statement and are designed to accommodate the diversity of Salvation Army expressions across our nation.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video Video

Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video

A wake up call to introduce the Living Our Vision series

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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