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5 resources found
RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages Document

RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource contains a folder of QR codes supplied by the Digital team.

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Events / Campaigns

Average 3.11 of 2 ratings Rate this
RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated Document

RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource page features a Canva-editable RSA volunteer recruitment poster and three non-editable translated posters.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.11 of 2 ratings Rate this
Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages Document

Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource features 4 banner image options for Local Salvos pages.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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 Instructional Video for Corps use only Video

Instructional Video for Corps use only

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This instructional video (for Corps use only), is a guide for Local Salvos/Corps and Mission expression page administrators to customise their pages.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Poster for Donations - including translated & Canva-editable Document

RSA Poster for Donations - including translated & Canva-editable

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This page features the Corps/Mission Expressions Poster with CTA to Donate. It is available in generic and translated versions.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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