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8 collections and 56 resources found


Quest 850c device Document

Quest 850c device

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource page includes information and user guide instructions for the Quest 850c device.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Activity Risk Assessment Templates Document

Activity Risk Assessment Templates

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This page features two risk assessment templates that Corps can use to complete what is called an “Activity Risk Assessment” on the SAMIS database.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Email Signature Document

RSA Email Signature

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Update your email signature with this Red Shield Appeal-themed banner. 

Category: Events / Campaigns

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Template - Following Up Term 4 RSA Invitation to Schools Document

Template - Following Up Term 4 RSA Invitation to Schools

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

You formally invited schools to participate in the Red Shield Appeal in October/November last year? Use this template email to follow up with the schools your wrote to and confirm arrangements for the

Category: Events / Campaigns

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[2024] Secondary School - RSA Assembly Presentation Document

[2024] Secondary School - RSA Assembly Presentation

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Template presentation for secondary schools that introduces the Salvation Army and the Red Shield Appeal; and how students can get involved

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
RSA - Facebook Cover Photos - Generic and Canva-editable  Document

RSA - Facebook Cover Photos - Generic and Canva-editable

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This page features two Facebook cover photos - generic and Canva-editable.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Westfield Site Contact List Document

Westfield Site Contact List

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource page features a list of email addresses for each Westfield location in Australia.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages Document

RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource contains a folder of QR codes supplied by the Digital team.

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Events / Campaigns

Average 3.11 of 2 ratings Rate this
Community Collection Sign - Payment Types  (Canva-editable) Document

Community Collection Sign - Payment Types (Canva-editable)

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource features a Canva-editable sign for Community Collection Sites.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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Insurance Certificate - Public Liability Document

Insurance Certificate - Public Liability

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Insurance Ceritficate for Public Liability.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated Document

RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource page features a Canva-editable RSA volunteer recruitment poster and three non-editable translated posters.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.11 of 2 ratings Rate this
Resource Guide Document

Resource Guide

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

The Resource Guide showcases all of the available resources for the Red Shield Appeal and explains the intended use for each item.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 2.81 of 1 rating Rate this
How to enter 'Banking Receipts' on the Web App - instructional video Document

How to enter 'Banking Receipts' on the Web App - instructional video

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource page features an instructional video on how to enter 'banking receipts' on the Web App. 

Category: Events / Campaigns

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60 Year Volunteer Certificate Document

60 Year Volunteer Certificate

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This 60 year Volunteer Certificate is for volunteers who have reached 60 years and over volunteering for The Red Shield Appeal.  

Category: Events / Campaigns

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(Term 1 2024) Template - RSA Invitation Letter to Schools Document

(Term 1 2024) Template - RSA Invitation Letter to Schools

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Use this resource to invite your local schools to participate in the Red Shield Appeal. This letter/email is best delivered in February 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.2 of 2 ratings Rate this
RSA - Raising Funds Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Raising Funds Social Media Assets

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

These raising funds social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA - Photo Statistics Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Photo Statistics Social Media Assets

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

These photo-statistic social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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Quick Access Guide: Resources for Schools Engagement in the Red Shield Appeal Document

Quick Access Guide: Resources for Schools Engagement in the Red Shield Appeal

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Find the resources you need for each stage of engaging schools in the Red Shield Appeal

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
(Term 4) Schools Invitation to RSA 2024 Document

(Term 4) Schools Invitation to RSA 2024

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

It's time to invite schools to participate in next year's Red Shield Appeal. Use this template to invite your local schools to get involved in the Red Shield Appeal
Average 4.01 of 3 ratings Rate this
Letter Template : (Term One 2023) Inviting schools to participate in RSA Document

Letter Template : (Term One 2023) Inviting schools to participate in RSA

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

An editable template letter to share with your schools inviting them to participate in RSA. Fill out the highlighted fields or use as this resource as guide to develop your own letter to schools.
Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Instructions for Template RSA Assembly Presentations Document

Instructions for Template RSA Assembly Presentations

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Instructions and access to template RSA Schools Assembly 'Presentations'

Category: Events / Campaigns

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[2024] Primary School - RSA Assembly Presentation Document

[2024] Primary School - RSA Assembly Presentation

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Template presentation for primary schools that introduces the Salvation Army and the Red Shield Appeal

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Facebook Page Cover Photos Document

Facebook Page Cover Photos

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

Three static Facebook cover photos for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

Average 3.92 of 2 ratings Rate this
RSA Volunteer Registration Card Document

RSA Volunteer Registration Card

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This printable, double-sided card is to be used to collect volunteer's details.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages Document

Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages

Shared by: Red Shield Appeal

This resource features 4 banner image options for Local Salvos pages.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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