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9 collections and 175 resources found



Warren's Story - Lived Experience Of Disability Inclusion Video

Warren's Story - Lived Experience Of Disability Inclusion

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Warren is an incredible man who shares his story of living with a disability and the faith that motivates him.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Psalm 111 - Praise the Lord and thank Him Video

Psalm 111 - Praise the Lord and thank Him

Shared by: Salvos Studios

This Call to Worship series features Psalms to help you reflect on the amazing power and love of God. This worship video reflects on Psalm 111, praising the Lord and thanking him.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Sharing faith Video

Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Sharing faith

Shared by: Salvos Studios

When we know and love Jesus we want to share the good news of the gospel with others. Watch this video for some helpful hints on how to do this.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Pakenham's Hope Café - Video Video

Pakenham's Hope Café - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Pakenham Salvos Hope Cafe was born out of a need in the community to connect with others.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Psalm 100 - Shout for joy to the Lord Video

Psalm 100 - Shout for joy to the Lord

Shared by: Salvos Studios

This Call to Worship series features Psalms to help you reflect on the amazing power and love of God. This worship video reflects on Psalm 100, shout for joy to the Lord.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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The Couch at Melbourne Project 614 - Video Video

The Couch at Melbourne Project 614 - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Noticing a growing number of international students who are vulnerable and isolated, the team at Melbourne Project 614 started The Couch in 2010.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Salvos Gardening in Canberra - Video Video

Salvos Gardening in Canberra - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Canberra City Salvos have created Salvos Gardening, a social enterprise that empowers people who have completed the Salvation Army drug and alcohol program to get back into employment.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Sally's Story - Video Video

Sally's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Sally says that a huge part of her recovery from addiction was learning to be grateful.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Psalm 8 - Majestic is your Name Video

Psalm 8 - Majestic is your Name

Shared by: Salvos Studios

This worship video reflects on Psalm 8 and the majestic name of God.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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The Well - A welcoming community garden - Video Video

The Well - A welcoming community garden - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Off a busy road in St Kilda, The Well, has transformed into a safe space that engages with people who are lonely, searching, curious and want to give back to the community.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Northern Territory Rural & Remote Chaplains - Video Video

Northern Territory Rural & Remote Chaplains - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Majors Michelle and Niall Gibson are Rural and Remote Chaplains for The Salvation Army, sharing the gospel by foot, car and plane throughout the Top End of Australia.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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‘Has God abandoned us?’ sermon from Pastor Ray Minniecon Video

‘Has God abandoned us?’ sermon from Pastor Ray Minniecon

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Pastor Ray Minniecon, from the Kabi Kabi people, shares a sermon for National Reconciliation Week.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Message of Reconciliation from Pastor Ray Minniecon - 2 MIN Video

Message of Reconciliation from Pastor Ray Minniecon - 2 MIN

Shared by: Salvos Studios

During National Reconciliation Week, Pastor Ray Minniecon reminds us that the most meaningful thing for humankind is to reconcile with each other, with God’s creation and with God himself.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Krzystof's Story - Video Video

Krzystof's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Krzystof shares his incredible story of enduring 16 years on the streets before finding a home and security through The Salvation Army.

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Me, You, Him - Commissioner Miriam Gluyas Video

Me, You, Him - Commissioner Miriam Gluyas

Shared by: Salvos Studios

In her first leadership message, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas shares with us her deep love for Jesus and her great passion for seeing people saved.

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Lisa's Story - Video Video

Lisa's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

With the help of The Salvation Army’s Sunrise Centre in Darwin (NT), Lisa is looking forward to a brighter future.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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I See It - Commissioner Miriam Gluyas Installation Video

I See It - Commissioner Miriam Gluyas Installation

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Commissioner Miriam Gluyas shares an inspiring message of what she see's across The Salvation Army Australia Territory.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Batemans Bay Corps - Video Video

Batemans Bay Corps - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

At The Salvation Army in Batemans Bay, there is an understanding that prayer is what changes communities.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Kristy's Story - Video Video

Kristy's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Kristy shares her story of transformation through the Salvation Army-run Graceville Centre. In 2018 Kristy began studying to become a caseworker so that she could help others.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Charrissa's Story - Video Video

Charrissa's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

With help from Perth Salvos, Charrissa has turned her life around. She participated in the Positive Lifestyle Program and made a lot of amazing changes in her life.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Multicultural Shorts: Darshini's Story - Video Video

Multicultural Shorts: Darshini's Story - Video

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Darshini shares her story of The Salvation Army's guidance and support.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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God Defining Moments - Major Kim Haworth Video

God Defining Moments - Major Kim Haworth

Shared by: Salvos Studios

Major Kim Haworth reflects on a pivotal night early in her faith journey when she was compelled to pray, and that this led to a profound encounter with God on her lounge room floor.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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When I think about reconciliation Video

When I think about reconciliation

Shared by: Salvos Studios

National Reconciliation Week 2024 - Now More Than Ever - reminds us that we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Christmas Collection - Being light-bearers Video

Christmas Collection - Being light-bearers

Shared by: Salvos Studios

This Christmas, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas invites us to be light, hope and love to those around us.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Christmas Collection -  That's Good News Video

Christmas Collection - That's Good News

Shared by: Salvos Studios

This 30-second Christmas video resource is ideal for use at your Advent or Christmas church meetings. It celebrates the good news that Jesus brings.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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