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Schools Engagement Activities

This collection features resources to support you to engage schools in activities year-round. Find suggestions for activities and timeline of opportunities to engage with schools.
General - Appreciation Certificate Link

General - Appreciation Certificate

Editable General Appreciation Certificate

Category: Other

Average 3.59 of 1 rating Rate this
Calendar - Schools Engagement Campaign Actions Document

Calendar - Schools Engagement Campaign Actions

A calendar with monthly schools engagement activities to support your Corps to best engage schools in key Salvation Army campaigns
Average 4.02 of 2 ratings Rate this
Tips: Introduce yourself to local schools Document

Tips: Introduce yourself to local schools

A document filled with handy hints and tips to help you introduce your Mission Expression to local schools

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 4.17 of 3 ratings Rate this
Template Letter - General Introduction - Build Schools Relationships Year-Round Document

Template Letter - General Introduction - Build Schools Relationships Year-Round

A general letter for you to customise to introduce your local work to local school to build schools relationship

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 4.02 of 2 ratings Rate this
Schools Engagement Activity Ideas Document

Schools Engagement Activity Ideas

Check out this resource for engagement activity ideas for collaboration with your local schools.

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 4.02 of 2 ratings Rate this
Yearly Calendar - Schools Engagement Activities Document

Yearly Calendar - Schools Engagement Activities

A yearly calendar of key Appeal engagement milestones and other opportunities to engage with schools throughout each term.

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 4.02 of 2 ratings Rate this