Pentecost 2024
- Empowered by the Spirit- Video Discussion Questions.pptxDownloaded 379 times
- Leaders Notes.docxDownloaded 239 times
- Knowing the Spirit - Sermon Outline.pdfDownloaded 231 times
- Knowing the Spirit - Sermon Transcript.docxDownloaded 280 times
- Intergenerational Segment.docxDownloaded 237 times
- Pentecost PowerPoint Template.pptxDownloaded 209 times
- Social Media Tiles.zipDownloaded 188 times
- Digital Display Image.jpgDownloaded 185 times
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*NEW* Video Sermon
For a downloadable version of the video, click here. (Download with captions)
Available Pentecost resources:
- 'Empowered by the Spirit' - video sermon
- 'Empowered by the Spirit' - video discussion questions
- 'Knowing the Holy Spirit' - Leader's notes
- 'Knowing the Holy Spirit' sermon outline or transcript
- Intergenerational segment
- PowerPoint template
- Social media tiles
Send the Fire -
For a downloadable version of the video, click here.
Pentecost video playlist:
Category: Events / Campaigns