SAGALA: Material Required for Guards and Rangers
- Guard_&_Ranger_enrolment_pack.pdfDownloaded 493 times
- Guard_&_Ranger_Leader_pack.pdfDownloaded 527 times
- cermonies_pack_guards_&_rangers.pdfDownloaded 624 times
- Guard enrolment certificate.docDownloaded 260 times
- Ranger Enrolment certificate.docDownloaded 274 times
- Link Certificate Adventurers to Rangers.docDownloaded 266 times
- Link Certificate Sunbeams to Guards.docDownloaded 254 times
- Alpha Star award Guard Ranger certificate.docDownloaded 249 times
- Beta Star award Guard Ranger certificate.docDownloaded 223 times
- Gamma Star award Guard Ranger certificate.docDownloaded 245 times
- Delta Star award Guard Ranger certificate.docDownloaded 227 times
- Epsilon Star award Guard Ranger certificate.docDownloaded 231 times
- Generals Award Interview Questions.docxDownloaded 228 times
- Generals Award Interview Panel.docxDownloaded 242 times
- Generals Award Application.docDownloaded 232 times
- Guards & Rangers Patrol Team Leader.docxDownloaded 245 times
- Guards & Rangers Assistant Patrol Team Leader.docxDownloaded 228 times
- Guard & Ranger Certificate of Participation.docxDownloaded 235 times
- Members Individual Record Form.pdfDownloaded 224 times
- Guards and Rangers Badge Record Form.pdfDownloaded 225 times
- Guards and Rangers Badge Record Keeping.pdfDownloaded 256 times
- SAGALA New Enrolment.docxDownloaded 251 times
- Guard and Ranger Badge Coupon.docxDownloaded 238 times
- SAGALA Badge Coupon.docxDownloaded 206 times
- Individual Record & Permission Form.docxDownloaded 242 times
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Guards/Ranger's Material:
Enrolment Packs:
In the pack you will find games to teach the Pledge, Laws and Prayers for each section of SAGALA including a powerpoint presentation. There is also an enrolment pack for each member with things they will need to know to be enrolled.
- Guard/Ranger Enrolment Leaders' Pack
- Guard/Ranger Enrolment Pack
- Guard/Ranger Enrolment Certificates for you to print
- Link Certificates for you to print
- Member's Individual Record Form
- Individual Record & Permission Form (Safe Salvos NSW/ACT/QLD)
- Pledge, Laws, Prayers & Mottos powerpoint presentation
- Guard/Ranger Badge Record Form
Other Material:
- Award Star Certificates
- Epsilon Award Material
- General's Award Material
- General's Award Forms for leaders (listed below)
- Patrol Leader certificates
- Participation certificate
General's Award:
- General's Award Interview Questions
- General's Award Panel Comments
- General's Award Application Form (to be sent to the Mission Team with the Panel Comments)
Ceremonies Pack:
These resources are optional – you may use some or all of these as you choose or you may have your own ideas.
This pack will give you tools and ideas for how to make the enrolment ceremony meaningful for your new Guards and Rangers recruits.
In this pack you will find:
- Candle Ceremony
- A circle of friendship Ceremony
- Stepping Stones Ceremony
- Totem Pole Ceremony
- Streamers Ceremony
- Flag Enrolment Ceremony
- Link/Stepping Up Ceremonies
This resource is included in the following collection(s):